Thursday, April 18, 2013

Op Art of the Letter O and playing casino with a cat on ur lap

letter O as Op art
It is already common knowledge that cats and dogs can improve their owner’s health. This is true for all individuals and not just those that suffer from emotional or health issues. Psychologists at Miami University found that pet owners benefited from a number of advantages and they tended to be fitter than non pet owners, were less lonely, more conscientious and displayed greater self esteem. The current studies that have been done to look at the correlation of having a pet such as a cat or a dog and improved mental and psychological health has focused on the reasons for this improvement and not just the variables. This means that the reason the owner displays more self esteem or is less stressed is that taking care of the animal and the act of stroking cats and dogs actually lowers the owner’s blood pressure and helps regulate their stress levels resulting in a calmer and happier owner. These studies are very valuable and medical professionals can actually use these findings to encourage those patients who are able to care for a pet to consider adopting one to help them improve their mental or social health. Even those people who do not suffer from any health or social problems can also benefit from owning a pet as they can reduce the natural stress that is a part of our everyday life. Even an enjoyable activity such as playing at the online casino elevated the players stress level, stroking a cat whilst playing online games will benefit all players not just those with high bold pressure or a heart condition.

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